Here at Word Art Wednesday, we praise God for many things. We thank Him for all the wonderful sponsors He provides, we thank Him for our Design Team Members and all the AMAZING entries you share with us each week, and more than anything, we PRAISE HIM for the opportunity we have to share God's love with you all. He truly cares about each and every one of you, and He wants to have a close personal relationship with you all. He is ALWAYS there for you in every way, and we are here to do everything we can to encourage you in your walk with Him. Thanks SO MUCH for stopping by to play along in our challenges, and to share your lovely art with us. It means SO MUCH to us!
This week, we have a lovely piece of word art that comes from the Book of John, Chapter 8 and verse 32. It says, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." This verse is often misunderstood. People often like to think that this verse means that telling the truth will give you a sense of freedom or relief. While that may be true, it's not really what this verse means. The "TRUTH" to which this verse is referring is the TRUTH of the Gospel of Jesus Christ - the divine revelation. The ONLY thing (the only truth) that can actually "set you free" is the truth that Jesus Christ, God in human flesh, came to this earth to offer Himself as the only worthy sacrifice for our sins. In His act of suffering and dying on the cross, being buried, and rising again after three days - proving that He IS GOD, COMPLETELY fulfills the debt owed for the sins of mankind, and provides us with a way to avoid Hell and spend eternity with God in Heaven. This is the TRUTH to which John 8:32 is referring. It's not popular in this day and age to tell people that there really is a literal Hell, and that people who die without believing in the "TRUTH THAT SHALL SET YOU FREE" will suffer eternity in a terrible place of torture. People don't want to believe that it's real, or that it's a literal place. Despite what's popular, or what's "socially acceptable", it's a FACT that if you don't accept the TRUTH THAT SHALL SET YOU FREE, the alternative is an eternity of suffering in the Lake of Fire (as explained in Revelation 20:11-15). Don't be deceived, my dear friends. It's not just some random words - it's a clear warning from God that we MUST make a choice. It is our deep desire that EVERY person would accept the "truth that shall make you free". The only reason we have for sharing this is to give EVERYONE the opportunity to "know the truth" as we read in this week's verse, and to experience the TRUTH THAT SHALL SET YOU FREE for all eternity.
As always, you are welcome to save this week's free scripture/word art file to your computer, but are not required to use it in order to play along in our challenges. We welcome you share your art with us; remembering that Anything Goes as long as it's family-friendly, and uses an encouraging or uplifting sentiment. This includes any type of art (not just limited to cards). You may link up to 5 projects each week. The more you enter, the more you increase your odds of winning. It is our desire that God's Word will be a blessing and encouragement to you each week. If you have any questions about the rules, be sure to read the complete list of rules under our page tab for "Challenge Rules". Because our ultimate goal is to honor God, we have no other choice but to delete any entries that do not adhere to these guidelines (dark images). Let us know if you have any questions, and thanks for your understanding and participation!
This week, we have a lovely piece of word art that comes from the Book of John, Chapter 8 and verse 32. It says, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." This verse is often misunderstood. People often like to think that this verse means that telling the truth will give you a sense of freedom or relief. While that may be true, it's not really what this verse means. The "TRUTH" to which this verse is referring is the TRUTH of the Gospel of Jesus Christ - the divine revelation. The ONLY thing (the only truth) that can actually "set you free" is the truth that Jesus Christ, God in human flesh, came to this earth to offer Himself as the only worthy sacrifice for our sins. In His act of suffering and dying on the cross, being buried, and rising again after three days - proving that He IS GOD, COMPLETELY fulfills the debt owed for the sins of mankind, and provides us with a way to avoid Hell and spend eternity with God in Heaven. This is the TRUTH to which John 8:32 is referring. It's not popular in this day and age to tell people that there really is a literal Hell, and that people who die without believing in the "TRUTH THAT SHALL SET YOU FREE" will suffer eternity in a terrible place of torture. People don't want to believe that it's real, or that it's a literal place. Despite what's popular, or what's "socially acceptable", it's a FACT that if you don't accept the TRUTH THAT SHALL SET YOU FREE, the alternative is an eternity of suffering in the Lake of Fire (as explained in Revelation 20:11-15). Don't be deceived, my dear friends. It's not just some random words - it's a clear warning from God that we MUST make a choice. It is our deep desire that EVERY person would accept the "truth that shall make you free". The only reason we have for sharing this is to give EVERYONE the opportunity to "know the truth" as we read in this week's verse, and to experience the TRUTH THAT SHALL SET YOU FREE for all eternity.
As always, you are welcome to save this week's free scripture/word art file to your computer, but are not required to use it in order to play along in our challenges. We welcome you share your art with us; remembering that Anything Goes as long as it's family-friendly, and uses an encouraging or uplifting sentiment. This includes any type of art (not just limited to cards). You may link up to 5 projects each week. The more you enter, the more you increase your odds of winning. It is our desire that God's Word will be a blessing and encouragement to you each week. If you have any questions about the rules, be sure to read the complete list of rules under our page tab for "Challenge Rules". Because our ultimate goal is to honor God, we have no other choice but to delete any entries that do not adhere to these guidelines (dark images). Let us know if you have any questions, and thanks for your understanding and participation!

Here's this week's beautiful scripture/word art file.
We hope that it will be a blessing to you!
Here are this week's AWESOME sponsors:
The lovely Cherry Lynn Designs is giving
one LUCKY WINNER their gorgeous

Christmas Tree Decoration With Angel Wing
die. Click here to shop Cherry Lynn Designs
Deedee's Digis is our wonderful digital sponsor
this week, and they are offering one lucky person
three (3) of their darling sets! Click here
to browse and shop at Deedee's Digis
AND NOW......Here are our LUCKY WINNERS:
The winner of the bonus surprise offered by
Karen Letchworth of My Cup Runneth Over
is Entry #132 - Susan Kennedy
She has won an October Afternoon Ribbon Pack!
WINNERS: Please email Karen THIS WEEK
to claim your prize! Thanks.
The lovely Cherry Lynn Designs is giving
one LUCKY WINNER their gorgeous
Christmas Tree Decoration With Angel Wing
die. Click here to shop Cherry Lynn Designs
Deedee's Digis is our wonderful digital sponsor
this week, and they are offering one lucky person
three (3) of their darling sets! Click here
to browse and shop at Deedee's Digis
AND NOW......Here are our LUCKY WINNERS:
The winner of a brand new stamp set of choice
from the AWESOME Docerela Stamps
is Entry #168 - Becky SpinksAND
The winner of the $15 Gift Certificate
to the lovely Really Reasonable Ribbon
is Lucky Entry #93 - Jenn BorjesonAND
The winner of the bonus surprise offered by
Karen Letchworth of My Cup Runneth Over
is Entry #132 - Susan Kennedy
She has won an October Afternoon Ribbon Pack!
WINNERS: Please email Karen THIS WEEK
to claim your prize! Thanks.
Karen Letchworth
Front of Card Using Sponsor Image,
Stitchy Crosses From Deedee's Digis
Inside View of Card Using Sponsor Image,
Stitchy Crosses Floral Paper from Deedee's Digis
Front of Card Using Sponsor Image,
Stitchy Crosses From Deedee's Digis
Inside View of Card Using Sponsor Image,
Stitchy Crosses Floral Paper from Deedee's Digis
I love the wisdom in this week's Bible verse, as well as all the beautiful projects inspired by it from the DT members. Blessings!
Fabulous presentation from DT members
blessed week
to all
Thank you so much! :)
Congrats to the winners.
Thanks DT for continuing to inspire us by sharing your beautiful creations.
Crafty hugs,
Thank you for your lovely examples. Including Karen for special prayers this week - and thank you for your kind remarks.
True, true, true! Thank you for this fabulous verse, and all of the gorgeous inspiration by the Design Team!
I love the verse. Thank you so much for the challenge and the inspiration.
Thank you for this blog. Love reading along and being inspired. These are difficult times being a believer around so many who do not believe. Thanks for the fun challenges and creative inspiration :)
Great post Karen!! thank you for telling it so plainly...
.. oh that eyes were open to see THE Truth - the dear LORD Jesus Who said "I am the way the TRUTH and the Life, no Man comes to the father but by me" John 14:6
.. then they will truly see the truth which will set them free.. eyes to see hears to hear and hearts to understand.
.. oh dear LORD, our wonderful Father God, please use your Spirit to draw all seeking ones to your Truth,
Love Shaz in oz.x
Beautiful cards ladies and thank you for the challenge!!
Awesome DT inspiration Thanks for another wonderful challenge.
Amen! Great reflection and such beautiful work!
Thanks for another fun challenge! And amazing post! :)
- Susan
{Scrap A Thousand Words}
Open-Minded Crafting Fun Challenges
Thank you for the weekly scripture and encouragment through your blog. I always love and get inspired by your the beautiful creations your Design Team shares. Big Hugs, AntoinetteT
Entering 1 more card. Thank you, again.
Beautiful DT entries and I LOVE this weeks script!!
Thank you once again, Karen, for another wonderful devotional! It's a joy to read these each week, and I want to encourage you and thank you for taking the time it does to write and post these! You bless so many of us! Hugs!
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