Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Weeks #477-#478 - Anything Goes

Welcome to Word Art Wednesday, and thanks for joining us.  It's time for another FUN challenge and we have another WONDERFUL sponsor.  If you'd like to see all the sponsors for 2021, you can find that under PAGES on the side-bar.  That way, you'll know when your favorite company is sponsoring AND you can stop by all these awesome shops to check out their amazing products.  We are blessed to have some of the most WONDERFUL sponsors out there.  We give God all the thanks and praise for providing these sponsors, and we pray that God will BLESS our sponsors in return.  We do hope you'll check out their shops and support them when possible.

The scripture used to create our word art for this challenge is Luke 1:37 which says, For with God, nothing shall be impossible".  What a wonderful truth to remember.  Knowing that there is absolutely NOTHING that our God cannot do is a tremendous encouragement to us.  Since nothing is impossible for God, that surely means He can take care of us when we need Him/need help.  As humans, our minds tend to put limits on everything.  We limit things like time, space, capacity, supplies, life, and.....well, pretty much everything we know has some sort of earthly limit.  Right?  Well, God does not have any limits.  That's difficult to comprehend, but amazing and encouraging to know.  The next time you're facing something that seems absolutely impossible to you, I encourage (even challenge) you to give it to God.  Just pray, lay it at His feet, and humbly ask Him to help you face your "impossible" situation.  God may not "fix" your situation exactly the way you hoped or expected, but He will surely always be there to guide you through the situation and bring you safely through to the other side with a resolution and a peace.  Remember, NOTHING is impossible for God and you're never alone.

As always, you are welcome to save the word art to your computer; but you are never required to use it in order to play along in our challenges or to win.   We welcome you to share your all your art with us; remembering that Anything Goes as long as it's family-friendly, and uses an encouraging or uplifting sentiment. This includes any type of altered or digital art (not just limited to cards).  You may link up to five (5) projects each week, for a total of ten (10) entries per two-week challenge. The more you enter, the more you increase your odds of winning.  It is our desire that God's Word will be a blessing and encouragement to you as we share it. If you have any questions about the rules, be sure to read the complete list of rules under our page tab for "Challenge Rules".  Because our ultimate goal is to honor God, we have no other choice but to delete any entries that do not adhere to the guidelines.  Please know that this doesn't mean we are judging anyone.  We're simply attempting to honor God and follow His rules.  Let us know if you have any questions, and thanks for your understanding and participation.
Check out our AWESOME sponsor for this challenge:
The Stamps of Life is our AWESOME
and FUN sponsor for this challenge.
This lovely store is filled with the most
darling clear acrylic Stamps, Dies, Card kits,
Embellishments, Felt, Inks, Card Classes,
 Storage, Papers.  One lucky person
will win a $25 gift card from our friends at
The Stamps of Life.  How cool is that?

AND NOW.......Another Lucky Winner:
The AWESOME Stamp Simply
Clear Stamps was our previous sponsor.
One lucky person has WON, and will get
their choice of any two (2) items from the
 find out who's the lucky winner of this
FUN prize from the wonderful 
Lucky Entry #251 - Julie O.

Our Top 3 Picks This Challenge:

Please email Karen if you'd like a
Top 3 or Winner's Badge for your blog.
All winners must also email Karen
to claim prize (per the Rules Page).  Thanks!

May God bless all our AWESOME sponsors.
We appreciate them all SO very much,
and we pray for their success.
AND NOW....Here's some inspiration to get you started:

From The Stamps of Life, a few fun samples
Using New February DragonFly Stamp Set

From Our February Guest Designer, Esther Asbury


Sandra H said...

Beautiful cards

Billie A said...

Thank you for picking my card as a top 3 winner. Congratulations on all of the winners. Thank you Word Art Wed. for the challenges. Awesome wonderful dt inspiration.

Granmargaret said...

Thank you for the challenge and word art. Lovely inspiration cards.

Migdalia said...

Thank you for the wonderful inspiration by the DT. Congrats to the winner & Top 3!!
Have a wonderful day,
Migdalia Rodriguez
Migdalia's Crafts

Cynthia said...

Thank you for the Word Art Scripture and DT inspiration. Have a blessed week!

Janis said...

Beautiful samples! I esp love Esther's lovely blue floral card. Thank you for this scripture and inspiring challenge.
Stay healthy and creative!
<3 J

jwoolbright at gmail dot com

niki1 said...

Thank you so much for choosing my card as one of the " top 3" winner. Congratulations to the winner and ladies of the "TOP 3".
Thank you the challenges and beautiful DT cards full of inspiration !

Greetings from Monique (niki1)