Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Weeks #549-550 - Anything Goes

Welcome back to Word Art Wednesday.  We hope you're ready for another AWESOME challenge with us.  We have an AMAZING sponsor again this time.  This is the first year we've had sponsorship from Altenew, and we are SO excited to have their generous support.  We feel SO blessed by all the FAB sponsors that God has provided for us.  It's exciting to have such wonderful companies supporting our challenges, and we hope you'll take time to let these awesome companies know how grateful you are for the challenges they sponsor.  It's such a blessing to the entire crafting community.  Well, let's get started with our challenge.

The scripture of focus for this challenge is John 8:36 which says, "If the son therefor shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed".  What do you suppose this means?  Being "free"?  Free of what, exactly?  Well, what I believe it means is that if a person has placed their eternal hope and faith in nothing other than Jesus Christ' sacrifice for us; that means the son (of God - Jesus Christ) has "made you free" from the debt of sin that you (and I) could never pay.  Because we are ALL (each and every human) sinful, we needed a perfect, sinless, spotless sacrifice to pay our debt of sin to make a way for us to reach God the Father in Heaven.  Jesus was the ONLY way to achieve that because He was God in human flesh.  He was perfect in every way.  The awaited Messiah had arrived, and He saved us from our sins.  Praise God.  If we place our faith in the son (Jesus/God), we are FREE from the debt of sin.  God paid our debt IN FULL.  We are FREE INDEED because of what He did for us.  That is real freedom that NO ONE can EVER take from us.  Praise God!

As always, you are welcome to save the word art to your computer; but you are never required to use it in order to play along or to win in our challenges.  We welcome you to share all of your art with us; remembering that Anything Goes as long as it's family friendly.  This includes any type of altered or digital art (not just limited to cards).  You may link up to five (5) projects each week for a total of ten (10) entries per two-week challenge.  The more you enter, the more you increase your odds of winning.  It is our desire that God's Word will be a blessing and an encouragement to you as we share it.  If you have any questions about the rules, be sure to read the complete list of rules found under our Page tab marked "Challenge Rules".  Because our ultimate goal is to honor God, we have no other choice but to delete any entries that do not adhere to our guidelines.   Please know that this doesn't mean we are judging anyone.  We're not.  We are simply attempting to honor God and follow His rules.  Please let us know if you have any questions about anything; and thank you for your understanding and participation.
Check out our WONDERFUL sponsor for this challenge:
The BEAUTIFUL, wonderful, inspiring and
AMAZING Altenew is our sponsor for this
challenge.  How cool is that?  This wonderful
shop is filled with the loveliest stamps, dies,
stencils, inks, etc. to help you create the most
gorgeous art imaginable.  Be sure to stop by the
Altenew Blog for inspiration and the Altenew Shop
for some great shopping.  One lucky person will win
a generous $15 gift certificate to spend at Altenew.

And NOW....Here's Another Lucky WINNER:
Stix 2 Anything is an absolutely AWESOME
store.  They are located in the UK, but they ship
everywhere.  Stix 2 Anything carries all the most
amazing adhesives as well as many other FUN
and fabulous products that will boost your
creativity.  One lucky participant has WON
a generous prize package from our friends at
Stix 2 Anything.  Please stop by and check
out Stix 2 Anything and see for yourself all
the great adhesives and mixed media FUN
they have to offer.  Remember, EVERY crafter
needs ADHESIVE, and Stix 2 Anything has
it ALL.  Thank you so much to our friends
at Stix 2 Anything.  The very lucky winner
Our Top 3 Honors Go to Our Friends:

Please email Karen if you'd like a
Top 3 or Winner's Badge for your blog.
All winners must also email Karen
to claim prize (per the Rules Page).  Thanks!

May God bless all our AWESOME sponsors.
We appreciate them all SO very much.  We
pray for them, and for God's hand of blessing
upon their businesses.  We're SO grateful.
Here's Some Inspiration to Get You Started:

Our June Guest Designer, Heather Mills


Karen Decknick said...

I am so excited to be the winner! Thank you so much and I emailed you!

Jill W. said...

What an honor to be in the top three honors! I certainly appreciate it!