Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Anything Goes Challenge Weeks #240-#241

Welcome to Word Art Wednesday!  We're so glad you're here.  If you're a regular with us, we praise God for you and appreciate you SO much.  And if you're new to this challenge blog, WELCOME!  It's our hope that you will become a regular and have a great week creating and sharing your art, getting to know us and others in the crafting community, and coming to the realization that GOD LOVES YOU!

Our word art for this challenge was taken from the scripture Psalm 8:3-4 that says, "When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; what is man that thou art mindful of him?  and the son of man, that thou visiteth him"  Let's take a closer look at each word, and think about what God is trying to teach us in these two verses.  First, the psalmist (David) says, "When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers"; and this tells us that they are God's heavens, and David knew this because he was aware that God created all things.  David was pondering, looking at, and considering all of God's amazing handiwork.  David pondered the moon and the stars, and again reminded us that God ordained these things (meaning He spoke them into existence) and gave them to mankind as a gift to enjoy and to take care of for Him.  When he said, "the work of thy fingers" he was again expressing how AMAZING God is; that He could "snap His fingers", make a plan, and tell them (the moon, stars, heavens, etc.) to appear because HE IS THAT AMAZING AND POWERFUL.  He is the ONLY ONE who could create something out of nothing, and no other process for creation is possible.  David was in awe of the wondrous works of our Heavenly Father Creator.  Considering all this, David went on to say "what is man that thou art mindful of him, and the son of man, that thou visiteth (cares about) him".  I would wonder the same thing (if I didn't already know the answer).  What is mankind that the Lord of all the earth would take thought of him?  And care for him?  And become human flesh and die for him?  The answer to this question is that we, also, ARE HIS CREATION.  We are His children, and He loves us.  He loves us SO much,in fact, that He became flesh, came to earth in human form, resisted sin (being a spotless perfect sacrifice), and died that we might be able to find our way to spend eternity with Him.  But it's not automatic.  It's a choice that every human being must make for themselves.  The Lord of all the earth cares for YOU and died FOR YOU.  What will you do with this wonderful information?
As always, you are welcome to save the free scripture/word art file to your computer, but are not required to use it in order to play along in our challenges.   We welcome you share your all your art with us; remembering that Anything Goes as long as it's family-friendly, and uses an encouraging or uplifting sentiment. This includes any type of altered or digital art (not just limited to cards).  You may link up to five (5) projects each week. The more you enter, the more you increase your odds of winning.  It is our desire that God's Word will be a blessing and encouragement to you as we share it. If you have any questions about the rules, be sure to read the complete list of rules under our page tab for "Challenge Rules".  Because our ultimate goal is to honor God, we have no other choice but to delete any entries that do not adhere to our guidelines.  Please know that this doesn't mean we are judging anyone.  We're simply attempting to honor God and follow His rules.  Let us know if you have any questions, and thanks for your understanding and participation!
Here is this week's word art.  We hope
that it will be a blessing to you.

AND NOW.......Our AWESOME sponsor for this challenge:
Simon Says Stamp is  your one-stop place for ALL
the latest and greatest scrapbook and card-making
supplies.  They have everything you could ever want,
and one lucky person will win a generous $25 Gift
Certificate to spend at this WONDERFUL store.
You could win a $25 Gift Certificate
from our good friends at Simon Says Stamp
but only if you link up!

AND NOW......Our TWO Lucky Winners:
CropStop is a SUPER FUN store that carries lots of
stamps, dies, inks, and SO much more.  One lucky
person has won a $10 Gift Certificate to
CropStop.  And that person is
Entry #54 - Billie

Imagine That is our digital sponsor
for this challenge.  Just wait until you
see the adorable images available at
Imagine That Digis.  Guess who won
three images of their choice......
It's Entry #300 - Niki1

And Our Top 3 Honors Go To:
Entry #12 - Hillary H.
Entry #32 - Antionette T.
Entry #404 - Leslie Turner

Please email Karen if you'd like a
Top 3 Badge for your blog.

May God bless all our AWESOME sponsors.
We appreciate them all SO very much!
Here's Some Inspiration to Get You Started

Using Sponsor Stamp & Die Set
Using Die-Cuts from Simon Says Stamp


Create With Joy said...

Blessings, dear friends - it's so good to join you this week!
I appreciate your inspiring words and wish you an amazing week!

LeslieT said...

Thank you so very much for choosing my sunflower card as a top pick! Congrats to the winners and the other top picks! And thanks for another lovely challenge!
Love To Scrap!
Love To Scrap Challenge Blog DT
House of Cards DT
Crafty Friends DT
My Crafting Stories DT

Sunshine HoneyBee said...

Wonderful DT creations. Especially like the backgrounds that compliment the scripture. Congrats to the winners! Have a Bee-utiful day!
"Sunshine HoneyBee"

niki1 said...

Thank you so much for choosing my card
and having the opportunity to win some digi's from "Imagine That" !
Congrats to Billie and the ladies of the top 3.
Thanks for the new challenge, beautiful cards of the DT ladies !
Oh and also for the link to that beautiful song
Greetings from Monique ( niki1 )

Unknown said...

Such a beautifully written post! Karen, you explain the gospel so well. Thank you for all your hard work on this blog. Great designs ladies! and a big welcome to April! I just love how many of us used a sky/star theme for our cards. :)

Misty Delgado <3

Billie A said...

Thank you so very much for picking my card as one of the winners. congrats to the other winner and top pick. I truly appreciate it. I love the inspiration each week and the scriptures each challenge.

Migdalia said...

Thank you for hosting a wonderful challenge with lovely DT inspiration!
Wonderful scripture. Congrats to all the winners.
Have a blessed day,
Crafting with Creative M

Tammy said...

Beautiful inspiration DT!

Beebeebabs said...

Very nice work DT

Bunny said...

Thank you for the challenge.

Janeen said...

Thank you for your scriptures and posts. It is so refreshing. I love this scripture.

Fikreta said...

very nice DT inspiration!

Maia said...

Nice DT cards!
I like to enter with two cards you can see them in the same blogpost but i can only link one.
Have a Nice weekend or vacation!
Greetings Maia

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

What a beautiful array of creations by the DT members was inspired by this week's Scripture. Blessings!

Papercrafting Princess said...

Always encouraged when I visit Word Art Wednesday!!! Thanks for the Heartwarming Inspiration!

KT Fit Kitty said...

Beautiful inspiration samples by your DT and beautiful word art! Thank you for your wonderful challenges! I enjoy them very much! Congrats to the winners and picks!