Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Challenge #220 - Anything Goes

Welcome, everyone!  (sorry I'm late). We are SO glad you're here for another great challenge.  WOW, you really blew us away with your amazing cards and projects in the last challenge, and we really enjoyed seeing everyone's amazing entries.  We consider you all winners, and we wish we could give every single person who entered a prize for sharing their talents with us.  However, we do want you to know that your art is greatly appreciated even though we can't give you all a physical prize.  Thanks so much for sharing your artistic talents with us, and please know how very much we apprecaite you all.

The scripture used to create our word art for this challenge is Psalm 41:12.  From this one beautiful verse in God's Word, we learn several things.  First, we learn that our integrity is manifest (upheld or demonstrated because of our redemption through Christ Jesus).  We also learn that our character is divinely sustained.  This simply means that while we are sinful and need to remain humble and confess our faults to one another (and to God for forgiveness), we are confident of our eternal destiny as we live for and serve God.  Next, we learn that we dwell in the favor of God.  This means that God's ever-watchful eye is always on His children, and that we are never truly alone because of his favor/love for us.  He will never let us out of His sight, and nothing can ever separate us from His love.  We also learn through this verse that our position in His kingdom is stable and that it will continue forever.  Again, there is nothing and no one that can ever take away our eternal position that is secured in Heaven in the presence of God Almighty, and that we can be 100% confident that this fact will NEVER change.  And finally, we learn that our eternal future is secure.  So in summary, we need to always be fully aware of our calling as Christians.  We are to be set apart and distinct as Christians because of Who we represent, and we need to always remember that our character is divinely upheld by Christ (this should encourage us to live in accordance with His will).  God will always keep His eye on us, and our promised future (eternity with God in Heaven) can never be taken away from us.  The world wants to confuse us, but when we hide God's Word in our hearts and learn what it means, we can live with such confidence and assurance that we are His, and He is ours.  There's absolutely NOTHING more wonderful than that!

As always, you are welcome to save the free scripture/word art file to your computer, but are not required to use it in order to play along in our challenges.   We welcome you share your all your art with us; remembering that Anything Goes as long as it's family-friendly, and uses an encouraging or uplifting sentiment. This includes any type of altered or digital art (not just limited to cards).  You may link up to five (5) projects each week. The more you enter, the more you increase your odds of winning.  It is our desire that God's Word will be a blessing and encouragement to you as we share it. If you have any questions about the rules, be sure to read the complete list of rules under our page tab for "Challenge Rules".  Because our ultimate goal is to honor God, we have no other choice but to delete any entries that do not adhere to our guidelines.  Please know that this doesn't mean we are judging anyone.  We're simply atempting to honor God and follow His rules.  Let us know if you have any questions, and thanks for your understanding and participation!
Here is this week's word art.  We hope
that it will be a blessing to you.

Our AWESOME sponsor for this challenge is:
Simon Says Stamp is our sponsor for this challenge!
One lucky person will win a generous
$25 Gift Certificate to spend at this WONDERFUL
store.  Here's a little about them:
In business since 2002, Simon Says Stamp is striving to offer you the best selection of Rubber Stamps, Altered Art, Scrapbooking, Artist Trading Cards, and Paper Crafting Supplies in the world.
We stock over 100,000 items in our warehouses so that we can offer you quick service and one stop shopping at a great price! We are located in Ohio, the heart of it all. Our team works hard to give you a fulfilled shopping experience and is always open to your ideas and suggestions!
We work hard to find and deliver to you the latest in stamping and paper crafting supplies! Attending classes, workshops, and sales meetings around the world, our goal is to keep our product offerings fresh and current. Make us your one stop easy shop - and we'll deliver right to your door!
AND NOW.....Our Lucky Winners:
Classy Cards 'n Such has been a faithful sponsor of our
challenges for a long time.  We're sorry to see Beverly
close her store, but we know God has His hand in this
decision.  One lucky person has won a $15 gift
certificate to Classy Cards 'n Such.  AND.......
PLEASE NOTE:  There's a BIG SALE going on
now at Classy Cards 'n Such, so be sure to stop by
to check it out and pick up some bargains!
The winner is Lucky Entry #8 - Gail Scott
Iralamija Shop was our AWESOME and super shabby
chic digital sponsor for our last challenge.  This
lovely shop has the most precious images ever!
Stop by the Etsy Shop to see all the wonderful
collages available at Iralamija Shop.
Congrats to Lucky Entry #101 - Sierra W.

AND, Our Top Three Honors Go To:
Entry #328 - Helen Gullet
Entry #308 - Quill Mill
Entry #326 - Majalena
Please email Karen or leave a comment
if you'd like a Top 3 Badge for your blog.

May God bless all our AWESOME sponsors.
We appreciate them all SO very much!
Here's Some Inspiration to Get You Started

Using Simon Says Stamp Products
Bid of Roses Die-Cut and
Using Simon Says Stamp Die
Called Churches from their
Using Simon Says Stamp Exclusive Set
Called Melody's Easter
Using Simon Says Stamp Exclusive Products
Using Products from our Sponsor,


Beebeebabs said...

Very nice work DT

Gail said...

Oh Happy Dance - I see I won a certificate! Thank you very much - I look forward to shopping - thanks to the DT for their creations and always for the devotional and challenges, and the scripture - have a blessed week!

Majalena said...

WOW! I can't believe. Thank you for the honor of my work. I am very happy. God bless you.

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I love that Psalm you have featured. The DT members incorporated it beautifully into their designs too. Blessings!

Janeen said...

i really enjoy seeing the ways that the scripture verse is used on a card. thank you all.

Beth F. said...

Congratulations to all the winners and thank you for the beautiful DT inspiration! Have a wonderful day!

Charity Morris-Chamberlain said...

Beautiful creations everyone!

Helen Gullett said...

Gorgeous inspirations from the team this week! Love the verse!
Thank you for picking my cards as one of the top 3 :)

Helen G.

eva said...

Congrats to the winner and Top three girls.
God bless you and adwesome DT WAW.

Karenladd said...

Congrats to all the winners and thanks to the DT for sharing all the beautiful cards and inspiration!

Gaylynn said...

Happy to play along with a family themed card for today.

sarascloset said...

Thank you for inspiring us with your lovely work, girls! Congratulations to the lucky winners and the beautiful Top 3 picks! I love to enter your challenges, because of the lovely and uplifting comments you leave on my blog! Hugs and Blessings!

Cynthia said...

Thanks for the inspiration as always!

D- said...

Thank you everyone for blessing us with your beautiful and uplifting projects.
Crafty hugs,

Migdalia said...

Congrats to all the winners! Thank you for another wonderful challenge, DT inspiration and lovely scripture.
Have a blessed day,
Crafting With Creative M

Carrie said...

What a beautiful, encouraging verse! Thanks so much for sharing it! The projects by the DT this week are lovely!

Karen P said...

Thank you for a lovely challenge and for the gorgeous inspiration you have shared with us. I hope you all have a good week and your blessings are many Karen x

DIANA L. said...

Great DT inspiration
Thank you for the fun Linky Challenge and the beautiful scripture.. Have a blessed day

DL.ART crinkle ribbon

Karen said...

Thank you for another wonderful post and challenge.

Congrats to all of the winners. All great makes.

Fabulous inspiration from the DT! xx

ToadilyDiane said...

I'm so happy to have found this challenge. There are so many awesome cards on here. I'm inspired by all of them. Thank you!!!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

as always a beautiful word shared and blessing to lift up our hearts to our LORD in thankfulness to Him,
love in Him,
Shaz in Oz.x

Charity Morris-Chamberlain said...

Absolutely wonderful creations by everyone on the Design Team as well as all the fantastic entries in the Challenge!