Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Challenge #219 - Anything Goes

Hello, everyone!  Welcome back for another fun challenge here at Word Art Wednesday.  We sure are glad you're here, and we want you to know that we really appreciate your participation in our challenges.  WOW, did we ever see some amazing projects in the last challenge.  You guys are all SO talented!  We want to mention to you all that our sponsor for this challenge is Classy Cards 'n Such.  This sweet store is going to be closing.  But before they do, there is a BIG SALE going on.  So, don't forget to stop by and pick up a few items at bargain prices.  We really want to show our support to Beverly for supporting us all these years.  She could really use your help in clearing out some inventory, and you get the benefit of AWESOME discounts.  A big word of thanks to Beverly and Classy Cards 'n Such, and our prayers go out to her and her sweet Mom as they enjoy their retirement years together.  Dont miss out on the BIG SALE!  Oh, and wait until you check out digital sponsor for this challenge, Iralamija Shop on Etsy.  Cutest digital collages EVER!  Two prizes worth playing for - they're both awesome.

Our word art for this challenge is John 14:6.  This is a verse that is familar to many people.  These are the words of Jesus - God in human flesh.  He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No man cometh unto the Father but by me".  Clearly, when He tells us that "He is the WAY", it is to remind us that there is absolutely NOTHING we can do to earn our way to Heaven.  We can't depend on our religion, our baptism, our receiving of sacraments (communion or confirmation, etc.), or on our good works.  Jesus Christ, God in human flesh, came to earth to become a perfect sacrifice for our sins; and He alone is the WAY for us to receive eternal life.  When he says, "the TRUTH and the LIFE", He is telling us that He Himself IS the Eternal Truth and that HE is our only hope for Eternal Life.  When God spoke, He wasn't just "whispering sweet nothings" or saying sweet things for men to hear.  He would speak words with deep meaning.  By speaking these words, He wanted us to realize that there is NO OTHER WAY to get to Heaven.  There simply aren't different paths, through different gods, that all lead to Heaven.  So when Hollywood tells you this, it is a lie straight from the mouth of the enemy.  God made it VERY clear that He is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE, and that NO MAN comes to Him (gets to Heaven) other than through the blood of Jesus.  Don't twist it, people!  He's the ONLY WAY.  There is an end to this life, and each of us WILL spend eternity somewhere.  The question today you want to spend your eternity in Hell (burning in fire, falling in a pit, gnashing of teeth, eternal darkness, separation from God forever) or do you want to spend eternity in Heaven (streets of gold, no pain or suffering, in the presence of God Almighty, enjoying things that no eye has ever seen and ears have never heard)?  I choose the latter.  I choose the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE.  What do you choose?  Make sure you choose wisely.  Eternity is a very long time!

As always, you are welcome to save this free scripture/word art file to your computer, but are not required to use it in order to play along in our challenges.   We welcome you share your all your art with us; remembering that Anything Goes as long as it's family-friendly, and uses an encouraging or uplifting sentiment. This includes any type of altered or digital art (not just limited to cards).  You may link up to five (5) projects each week. The more you enter, the more you increase your odds of winning.  It is our desire that God's Word will be a blessing and encouragement to you. If you have any questions about the rules, be sure to read the complete list of rules under our page tab for "Challenge Rules".  Because our ultimate goal is to honor God, we have no other choice but to delete any entries that do not adhere to our guidelines.  Please know that this doesn't mean we are judging anyone.  We're simply attempting to honor God and follow His rules.  Let us know if you have any questions, and thanks for your understanding and participation!
Here is this week's word art.  We hope
that it will be a blessing to you.

Our AWESOME sponsors for this challenge are:
Classy Cards 'n Such has been a faithful sponsor of our
challenges for a long time.  We're sorry to see Beverly
close her store, but we know God has His hand in this
decision.  One lucky person will win a $15 gift
certificate to Classy Cards 'n Such.  AND.......
PLEASE NOTE:  There's a BIG SALE going on
now at Classy Cards 'n Such, so be sure to stop by
to check it out and pick up some bargains!
Iralamija Shop is our AWESOME and super shabby
chic digital sponsor for this challenge.  This lovely
shop has the most precious images ever!
Stop by the Etsy Shop to see all the wonderful
collages available at Iralamija Shop.

AND NOW.....Our Lucky Winners:
The Stamps of Life is a WONDERFUL and super sweet
stamp shop.  They carry stamps, dies, and all sorts of
sweet embellishments and supplies.  The lucky person
who has won a new stamp of choice (up to $12.99 value)
from their adorable shop is.....
Entry #136 - Migdalia (Creative M)
The Cutting Cafe was the FABULOUS digital
sponsor for our last challenge.  The lucky winner
of  the prize offered by The Cutting Cafe is
Lucky Entry #249 - Pippa 

AND, Our Top Three This Week Are:
Entry #31 - Lisa F.
Entry #30 - Tricia T.
Entry #262 - Kathy Roney
Please email Karen or leave a comment
if you'd like a Top 3 Badge for your blog.

May God bless all our AWESOME sponsors.
We appreciate them all SO very much!
Here's Some Inspiration to Get You Started


Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

Blessed new week to all
so inspiration work from DT ladies
hugs and blessings

Sunshine HoneyBee said...

Congrats to the winners. Did not see the Linky. Have a BEE-utiful day!
"Sunshine HoneyBee"

Anonymous said...

Lovely creations, ladies. :) What a beautiful variety. I'm wondering if I'm missing the link-up button somewhere? I can't seem to find it?

Heidi Brawley said...

Ohhhhh what Beautiful DT creations! !!!!! Great work ladies!!!!!!!

Kathy said...

Beautifully said! I choose the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE!

Thank you for the gorgeous samples this week ladies! Thank you also for choosing me in the top 3:)



Gail said...

Thanks for the devotional and for the challenge - the DT Did a fab job - here is my link up as I do not see Mr. Linky - he is hiding somewhere - have a blessed day

Gail said...

Thank you for the devotional this week - I tried to reach out to someone this month and they rejected wanting even to talk about Jesus - so sad - as Heaven and Hell are real - this blog challenge is a blessing to enter each week and the devotionals keep Christian on track [as we are sinners who have been forgiven] and bring the lost to the Lord if they choose to hear His Word and Call - have a wonderful day

Tricia said...

Thank you so much for the honor of being named to the top 3 for the last challenge! : )

Migdalia said...

Such wonderful DT inspiration! Thank you for the wonderful scripture.
Thank you so much for choosing me as one of the winners!
Congrats to all the winners !!
Have a blessed day,
Crafting With Creative M

Migdalia said...

Also, Thank you to "The Stamps of Life" and "The Cutting Cafe".
Have a blessed day,
Crafting With Creative M

Gail said...
Card #2 I will return to enter if blog does not place thank you

Debbie said...

Wonderful verse this week!!
The DT's creations are all wonderful!

But wanted to let you know that no linky is showing up...

Sunshine HoneyBee said...

Still not seeing the linky. Here's my entry:
Have a BEE-utiful day!
"Sunshine HoneyBee"

Bunny said...

Beautiful creations. Thank you for the challenge.

Lisa said...

Congratulations to all of the winners!! What a beautiful scripture!! The DT projects are amazing!! I am honored to be a top 3 choice...I'd love a badge to post to my blog, Karen!! Thank you so much!!

A Mermaid's Crafts

Unknown said...

I want to sing happy songs to my team members for the outstanding beautiful art they have shared with us all this week. Great creations ladies, well done. God Bless you all. Carole

Beebeebabs said...

Very nice work DT

Granmargaret said...

Thank you for your challenge. Lovely work by the design team.

Peggy T. said...

Such beautiful inspiration from the design team. Ladies, you are so talented.

Karen P said...

Congratulations to the winners.
Thank you for another challenge and for sharing your gorgeous art with us. Have a lovely weekend Karen x

Unknown said...

Congrats to the winners and favorites! Love all the DT Creations! Fabulous! Thanks for another fun challenge!

- Susan, {Scrap A Thousand Words}
{Sentimental Susan - Zibbet}
{Sentimental Susan - Etsy}
{Open-Minded Crafting Fun Challenges}

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Beautiful creations with Our Lord's Word, as usual. Happy Valentine's Day!

Janis said...

Beautiful work and lovely inspiration!!
<3 J

jwoolbright at gmail dot com

Tinka's paper wonderlland said...

Great Desigin work and thanks for the great challenge!!
♥Hugs Valentina♥

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Brilliant DTcards, everyone, and love the verse of course, well done, God indeed is gracious unto us all, Shaz in Oz.x


Thanks for the chalenge. Sharing with you my biggest paper project of Star Wars birthday party. Hugs. Monika

Meeta Bhalotia said...

Thank you for choosing my entry in TOP THREE HONOR.(CH 219)
It feels awesome to be in the mentions.
Karen..I would love to flaunt the badge, Please send me the details.
The Quill Mill Crafts

Cynthia said...

Thank you for the devotional &a fabulous scripture. Lovely DT inspiration!