Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Challenge #198 - Anything Goes

Welcome back, everyone!  It's Wednesday again, and time for another fun challenge here at Word Art Wednesday.  We have some really exciting news to share with you all; and while we don't want to spoil ALL the surprises we have in store for you in 2016, this little bit of information might give you some idea of what we have coming in the new year.  Our friends at Simon Says Stamp have invited us to participate in their STAMPtember celebration.  Our DT Members will be sharing some wonderful projects with you in September (on social media and their personal blogs) using some lovely Simon Says Stamp products.  There's also LOTS of inspiration and fun taking place on The Simon Says Stamp Blog.  AND....they will be a part of our 200th Challenge Celebration on September 9.  Things are really coming together for the new year, and we PRAISE GOD for providing for us.....exceeding abundantly.  I hope I haven't said TOO MUCH!
Our word art/scripture for this week is Psalm 119:90 and it is such a beautiful reminder that God's faithfulness is unchanging.  I think that sometimes people tend to think that the Bible was written for a different time and for the people of old.  We need to remember that all the beautiful promises found in God's Word were written just as much for US as they were for the people who lived back when Jesus walked the earth.  God gave these same promises to His people when He originally spoke these words, and these promises are still applicable to us today, and will remain true forever.  This psalm was not intended to be a promise that applied only to one particular generation.  That's the beauty of God's Word.  It was relevant then, it's relevant today, and the same promises will endure forever.  The verse goes on to say "thou has established the earth, and it abideth".  This tells us that when God created the earth, the skies, the flowing rivers, the deep oceans, the tall trees, and all of His glorious creations; He made them so that they would endure forever - for ALL generations. They were a blessing to the people of Bible days, just as they are to us; and will be for all generations to come.  It reminds us again that this earth, just like His faithfulness, are unto ALL generations.  He has given us so much to enjoy here on earth; as well as so very much to look forward to in the future.  Until He returns, we can rest assured that He has provided us access to Him for all that we need, and a beautiful place to live and enjoy (this earth).  What an incredible blessing to know that His provisions are eternal, and His faithfulness really is for us just as much as it was for generations before us.....and even after us.  His mercies are new every morning, and He loves to hear us thank Him and praise Him for providing this faithfulness to us.  He alone is worthy of our praise, and we need to thank Him for His unchanging faithfulness, and for the generous provisions He has given us.  God is SO good, and we are SO very blessed.  NOTHING can ever change that truth - God's promises endure FOREVER!

As always, you are welcome to save this week's free scripture/word art file to your computer, but are not required to use it in order to play along in our challenges.   We welcome you share your art with us; remembering that Anything Goes as long as it's family-friendly, and uses an encouraging or uplifting sentiment. This includes any type of altered or digital art (not just limited to cards).  You may link up to five (5) projects each week. The more you enter, the more you increase your odds of winning.  It is our desire that God's Word will be a blessing and encouragement to you each week. If you have any questions about the rules, be sure to read the complete list of rules under our page tab for "Challenge Rules".  Because our ultimate goal is to honor God, we have no other choice but to delete any entries that do not adhere to our guidelines.  Let us know if you have any questions, and thanks for your understanding and participation!

Here's this week's scripture/word art file.
We hope it will be a blessing to you.

Here are this week's AWESOME sponsors:

Surprise Stamp Set - One lucky winner
will receive a brand new stamp set (or two)
and some other goodies from Karen.
Deedee's Digis is our lovely
digital sponsor for this week.
One lucky person will win
their choice of three sweet new
images from the ADORABLE
Deedee's Digis.

AND NOW......Our Very Lucky WINNERS!
Stamp & Create is an AWESOME On-Line Store
and they carry so many of your favorite brands
for crafting, card-making and scrapbooking.
Entry #17 - Something Crafty By Dottie
has won a $25 Gift Certificate to spend at
Stamp & Create
Moonlighting & Co. is a GORGEOUS
store.  They have the most lovely
images you can imagine.
Lucky Entry #79 - Maryvonne
has won three images of choice from
Moonlighting By Mary on Etsy

WINNERS:  Please email Karen THIS WEEK
to claim your prize!  Thanks.

May God bless all our amazing sponsors.
We appreciate them all SO very much!
Here's Some Inspiration to Get You Started

Using Sponsor Image, Goody Jars
Joining us...Using In Season Image


Lucy Patrick said...

Gorgeous DT creations as always.

Oops I think you forgot to add the winner's names.

Sweet blessings to you all and thank you for all the lovely comments you leave on my blog posts, they make my day,
XOX Lucy

Unknown said...

Congrats to all of the winners!! Love all the DT Creations! Love Karen's .. looks like a gorgeous quilt! Just beautiful! Love the papers! Thanks for another fun challenge!

- Susan
{Scrap A Thousand Words}
{Sentimental Susan}
{Open-Minded Crafting Fun Challenges}

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Mmm, not sure if you know but there are no winners shown from last weeks entries .. they are both marked as #- :D
A mystery winner or two!!

A beautiful promise from God's word again to point our thoughts and minds upward.. thanks for being a blessing and for the great DT work too, we are so richly blessed as believers of the Word of God. May our eyes ever have upward look,
Thanks so much for sharing.
Shaz in Oz.x

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

Faye said...

What a beautiful scripture text! Thanks for providing this.

KT Fit Kitty said...

Woohoo, this sounds like an awesome celebration and I am excited! Looking forward to it! Your scripture art is wonderful - thank you! Your DT cards are beautiful and so inspirational, thank you! Congrats to the lucky winners!

Barbara Washburn said...

I always love the scriptures you choose and the lovely DT cards. Thank you for all the sweet comments on my blog also. You all are the best!

Janis said...

Oh, such inspiring and beautiful cards. Browsing through them is like a refreshing drink of sparkling spring water. Thank you for your encouraging challenges!!!
<3 J

jwoolbright at gmail dot com

Beebeebabs said...

Very nice work DT

Em Louise Fairley said...

Thanks as always for another great challenge. I love taking part and really enjoy seeing the DT's amazing creations.

Hugs and blessings,

Beth F. said...

Thank you for another weekly challenge! Congrats on reaching almost 200 challenges!! The DT creations are wonderful.

Maya said...

Thank you so much for inviting me onto the challenge with my tag, Karen ♥
And thank you for the inspiration the wonderful design team gives!
Have a wonderful weekend,
hugs from Maya

Cynthia said...

VERY exciting news! Congrats to last week's winners. Fabulous DT inspiration and lovely Word Art Scripture. Thanks for continuing to be a weekly inspiration!

Migdalia said...

Thank you for hosting another wonderful challenge.
Congrats to the winners and Wonderful projects by the DT.
Have a blessed day,
Crafting With Creative M

Bunny said...

Thank you for the challenge.Beautiful DT work.

Karen P said...

Thank you for another lovely challenge and for sharing your gorgeous inspirations with us Karen x

Niccolette Coquelicots said...

Love all DT Cards!!! Thanks so mucha forma this new Challenges! :)

AJ Bodine said...

Thank you for the invitation to participate in this challenge..the DT designs are lovely!