Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Challenge #125 - Anything Goes

We hope that wherever you are, that Spring is finally peeking through to say hello; and that things are beginning to "thaw out" in the more Northern areas.  For those who are lucky enough to live in warmer climates, it will soon be getting VERY hot.  There's never really any point in grumbling about the weather.  After all, our lives are SO incredibly blessed and we really just need to remember to give God praise in any and every circumstance.  He's SO good to us!  We praise and thank Him for each of you who stops by to share the beautiful art you create.  We love seeing your creativity, and having you play along in our challenges.  So, please always know that we are truly grateful for each and every entry.  If you're new to our challenge blog, please be sure to stop by our Challenge Rules page to become familiar with what types of "Anything Goes" projects meet our guidelines.  We want to assure that the art you share will qualify you for the fabulous prizes being offered by all our WONDERFUL SPONSORS each week!

We have a beautiful piece of word art this week, and we hope that it will be a blessing to you.  This scripture is from the Book of Isaiah Chapter 26 and verse 3.  It assures us that God will keep us in "perfect peace", which the Bible describes as an absolutely perfect peace and a state of true, genuine well-being.  That, in and of itself, is an incredible blessing.  What a joy to fully realize that God genuinely loves us enough to keep us in a wonderful state of well-being that will bring complete peace to our lives.  When we fix our minds on the things of God, and refuse to let ourselves be consumed with the worries of this world, He gives our deep inner person a genuine peace and joy that the unsaved world simply cannot understand or comprehend.  There's absolutely NO need for any worries when your thoughts are stayed on Him.  That's enough to bring a lasting smile to anyone's face.  God is just OH, SO GOOD!

As always, you are welcome to save this week's free scripture/word art file to your computer, but are not required to use it in order to play along in our challenges.   We welcome you share your art with us; remembering that Anything Goes as long as it's family-friendly, and uses an encouraging or uplifting sentiment. This includes any type of art (not just limited to cards).  You may link up to 5 projects each week. The more you enter, the more you increase your odds of winning.  It is our desire that God's Word will be a blessing and encouragement to you each week. If you have any questions about the rules, be sure to read the complete list of rules under our page tab for "Challenge Rules".  Because our ultimate goal is to honor God, we have no other choice but to delete any entries that do not adhere to these guidelines.  Let us know if you have any questions, and thanks for your understanding and participation!

Here's this week's beautiful scripture/word art file.
We hope that it will be a blessing to you!
Here are this week's AMAZING sponsors:
The super adorable Paper Sweeties
is offering one lucky winner a
$10 Gift Certificate to their shop.
Click here to browse Paper Sweeties
The super adorable Bugaboo Stamps
is offering a second lucky winner
three (3) lovely images of their choice.
Click here to browse Bugaboo Stamps.

AND NOW.......
Here are this week's lucky winners!
The lucky winner who will get
$20 to spend on the stamps of their choice
from the AWESOME Verses Rubber Stamps
is Entry #125 - Billie A.
The lucky winner of 3 sets of their choice
from the adorable Deedee's Digis
is Entry #126 - Dawn/Designs by Dragonfly

May God bless all our amazing sponsors.
We appreciate them all SO very much!
Here's some inspiration from our Design Team
Our March Guest Designer, Sandra Carey
Debbie is joining us this week to help showcase
Paper Sweeties, one of our sponsors this week.
Here's her card using Paper Sweeties stamps.
Lori Ulrich
Karen Letchworth
Using Paper Sweeties Checkerboard Stamp
from their lovely Borders Stamp Set


~Tammy~ said...

Beautiful ladies. I always enjoy seeing how you each use the scripture each week.

Esther Asbury said...

Beautiful word art and beautiful design team samples! Lovely work ladies!!

Gail said...

Thanks for the devotional, the DT creations - and congrats to winner - also thanks for another challenge - have a blessed day!

SCarol said...

God is so amazing! Only this morning I chose Isaiah 26:3 for a card I want to make for a friend. I prayed and felt God gave me this and its definitely been confirmed. Now I can use your lovely word art - thank you :)

Mynn xx said...

Thank you so much for the chance to link up! The DT creations are all AMAZING, as usual! HUGS and blessings to all! Mynn xx

Beth F. said...

As always, you have such beautiful DT creations! Love them all!

D- said...

Thank you for blessing us with your beautiful artwork each week.
I want to let you know that your sweet comments touch my heart and lift my spirits.
You truly are a sweet bunch of people here.
I am grateful that God lead me to you all.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks to your generous sponsors.
I sent Karen an email.
Crafty hugs,

Billie A said...

Thank you for choosing my card as a winner. So many lovely cards entered. I really appreciate my card being picked and congratulations to the other winners.

Diana Lynn Martin said...

Awesome & inspirational DT projects! Thanks for another super fun & uplifting challenge! God bless you all :)

Diana ♥
Leelee Card Designs

Sandra Carey said...

Just wanted to say Thank you for having me as Guest Designer this month Hugs Sandra xx

Bunny said...

Beautiful cards and notebook. Thank you, again, for the challenge each week.

Unknown said...

Love the beautiful cards made by your DT. Thank you for all the inspiration and for the challenge!!

Christine said...

I HAD to make a card with this beautifully designed word art that features one of my favorite scriptures.

This scripture has always been dear to me. Several years ago, an artist painted this scripture and was showing her work at a craft fair. When I selected the painting, she told me that God had directed her to give it to me. I was overwhelmed that God would tell someone to do that for me, and I treasure that beautifully painted wall hanging and am blessed each time I see it.

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

what a beautiful verse again to anchor our day upon.. what a treasure of great riches we have in Christ Jesus!
And well done to DT too, Shaz in Oz.x