Wendy Swenne lives in Schiedam (nearby Rotterdam) in the Netherlands. She is almost 32 and lives with her two cats in a cute apartment. She was raised with the Word of God in her home, and feels blessed to have heard the
Word from the beginning of her life. God has always been there beside her, although she, like many of us, wandered off for awhile, God never lets us
go. Wendy's creativity has always been part of her life. She enjoys drawing, painting, making jewelry and so much more.

Last December, Wendy
really wanted to do more for His kingdom. She wanted to feel more useful. Because
she was stuck at home after suffering from "burnout" (not her first), she
felt like she couldn’t do much for the glory of God because of her low level of
energy and the panic attacks. She prayed that God would somehow use her. And guess what......God worked out the details that placed Wendy on the Design Team here at Word art Wednesday. This was a prayer that had been
answered. In the beginning, she struggled and made her art by the deadlines. But now, she is really enjoying the whole process and has also started to make videos of how a
journal page comes together. God is maturing her in many areas.
Wendy feels blessed
to be able to be a part of this group of God-loving women who make art for His glory. Since God gave
her these talents, she really wants to share them with others so that they can see who God is through her art. She wants to allow God to touch
the lives of others through her creative outbursts.
As Wendy grows and gets older, she feels the need to know Him more and more. Especially in troubled times,
she feels how close He is to her, how He wants to lead her, and how patient He is with her.
God is just so patient! Wendy tried so
many times to fix her own problems, but came to realize that she just can’t do it on her own. She understands now that she needs to allow Him to help her. So when she really was broken, He was there to pick
her up, piece by piece..... and He isn’t finished yet. She knows that she is just at the beginning of a
whole new part of her life. Through her art and learning to trust God again, she has new dreams for her future, which were hidden by doubt in the past. Wendy prays that, knowing those dreams come from God, that He will fulfill
them, and she is so excited to see what He’s going to do in her life next! What an exciting journey we have when we trust Him fully.
Wendy is so thankful for all the participants who share their art with us week by week. She wants you to know that God loves you so much, and
you are blessed with the gifts and talents He gave you. She wants to encourage you
to go further with your talents, to learn to listen to God, and to always seek what He wants
for your life.
Wendy has started to now pray before she starts her WAW art journaling each week. She desires to really involve God in the
work she does so that HE is glorified through it. He made Wendy, in His image, exactly the way she is, and learning to accept that brings such a peace.
These are the things she wanted to share with all of you.
Please stop by Wendy's beautiful blog to say hello. She looks forward to visiting all of you, and getting to know you. Thanks for taking this journey with Wendy, and with all of us here at Word Art Wednesday.
Thanks for sharing from your heart, Wendy. You are such a blessing.
Karen L
Wendy, I appreciate you laying your heart out there. I can relate on trying to fix my own issues, God has taught me to be patient and let him show me that he has everything under control.
Jana :0)
Thank you so much for sharing Wendy! It's great to get to know you better and what motivates you to create! May you continue to seek the Lord in all things!
Amen! What an amazing testimonial. May the Lord continue to guide Wendy, as well as other team members and followers of this blog, in our Journey.
Thanks so much for your sweet and encouraging comments. It's such a blessing for me to be a part of this group of women who love the Lord. And of the participants who seek the Lord also.
May all of you be blessed and keep your roots firmly on your faith in our Father in Heaven.
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