Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Anything Goes - Weeks #643-644

Welcome by, everyone!  How exciting is this?  Someone has just WON a fabulous $50 prize to a wonderful company, and we have yet another fabulous sponsor for this new challenge.  If you didn't win this time, don't give up.  Please keep trying by playing along with us.  Your turn to win will come, I'm sure.  Please know that we consider you all winners, and we're super grateful for the art you share with us.  Thank you for playing along in our challenges.  You're such a blessing to us and we appreciate you.

The beautiful word art scripture is Luke 18:1 which says, "And He spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint".  Now, this word "faint" doesn't mean to get light-headed and pass out.  But rather, the verse is encouraging us to pray always and not to ever lose heart or give up.  God will NEVER grow tired of hearing us pray (talk to Him and ask of Him).  In fact, this verse reminds us to NEVER give up on our prayers.  It's telling us to pray in every situation, for every circumstance, problem, issue and struggle we encounter.  It's also saying that we shouldn't be discouraged if and when we don't see an immediate answer.  God's answers don't always come immediately.  Sometimes we need to pray about something over and over, perhaps even for many years.  Another verse that mentions this same theme is Colossians 4:2 which tells us to "Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving", so remember this theme of persisting continually in prayer with alertness (watch) and with thanks.  Don't ever feel that you're "nagging or bothering" God.  He absolutely LOVES and WANTS to hear from us.  He wants us to live our lives in accordance with His Word.  As we do this and draw closer to Him, sometimes He answer our prayer (how we desire) and sometimes He simply changes our desires.  Either way, we find peace, contentment and joy through this process.  So, next time you're going through a dark valley, KEEP PRAYING.  Don't give up, don't lose heart, and don't stop praying.  The answers are coming, and God's answers are always perfect.

As always, you are welcome to save the word art to your computer; but you are never required to use it in order to play along or to win in our challenges.  We welcome you to share all of your art with us; remembering that Anything Goes as long as it's family friendly.  This includes any type of altered or digital art (not just limited to cards).  You may link up to five (5) projects each week for a total of ten (10) entries per two-week challenge.  The more you enter, the more you increase your odds of winning.  It is our desire that God's Word will be a blessing and an encouragement to you as we share it.  If you have any questions about the rules, be sure to read the complete list of rules found under our Page tab marked "Challenge Rules".  Because our ultimate goal is to honor God, we have no other choice but to delete any entries that do not adhere to our guidelines.   Please know that this doesn't mean we are judging anyone.  We're not.  We are simply attempting to honor God and follow His rules.  Please let us know if you have any questions about anything; and thank you for your understanding and participation.
Check out our AWESOME sponsors for this challenge:
us this year by sponsoring not just this one, but
FOUR (4) times this year.  That's very kind
and generous.  AND.....we all know that
Lawn Fawn carries ADORABLE stamps,
dies and many other crafting essentials.
One lucky person selected by random draw
will WIN a $20 gift card to spend at the
AWESOME Lawn Fawn.  How FUN is that?
#lawnfawn #lawnfawnfun #wordartwednesday

Get EXCITED, everyone!  We had the FABULOUS
Trinity Stamps sponsor our previous challenge.
They BLESSED us with a generous, and
super awesome, $50 Gift Code to spend at
Trinity Stamps.  This wonderful store carries
stamps, dies, foiling tools, storage options,
 stencils, inks, embellishment and much more.
You can find loas of great inspiration on the
Trinity Stamps Blog.  Please be sure to let
them know you're grateful for their support,
Trinity Stamps is truly awesome, and you'll
absolutely LOVE all their products, inspiration
and Customer Service.  Are you ready??
The lucky winner of the $50 gift card is.......

Our Top 3 Honors Go to Our Friends:

Please email Karen if you'd like a
Top 3 or Winner's Badge for your blog.
All winners must also email Karen to
claim prize (per the Rules Page).  Thanks!

May God bless all our AWESOME sponsors.
We appreciate them all SO very much.  We
pray for them, and for God's hand of blessing
upon their businesses.  We're SO grateful.
Here's Some Inspiration to get You Started:

You are invited to the Unlink link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Thank you so much for choosing my mixed media art as a team favorite. I am honored. The design team samples for this next two weeks are wonderful. Thank you very much for the challenges and prizes you give.

  2. Wow, I am speechless (which my DH can tell you NEVER happens!) A $50 gift card from Trinity is so very appreciated. Thanks so very much.
    Kathy from myasperations

  3. What wonderful words, have been said on this post. Thank you for the reminder. x
