Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Challenge #206 - Anything Goes

Welcome back to all those who faithfully share their art with us.  We're SO grateful for each and every one of you.  And, hello to all our new visitors.  We hope that you will all help us to spread the word that Word Art Wednesday is a super fun challenge blog where we strive to encourage everyone with the Good News of Jesus Christ, and allow an open place to share your art for the chance  to win lots of really AWESOME prizes.  We hope that you will share FIVE projects with us each week, and help our challenge blog to grow.  We absolutely LOVE seeing your art, and we're always SO grateful to have you visit.  God is SO GOOD!

This week, we have a really wonderful scripture for our word art; and we really think it will be a blessing to you.  Let's be honest here.  We ALL face troubled times.  Some of us seem to face more than others.  On a personal level, I have a family member who is really feeling down because of some life circumstances that are simply overwhelming.  As a human, I don't have the answers he needs.  But as a Christian, I know that God does.   Being a Christian and having the comfort of scripture won't completely take away life's troubles, but it will make it possible to bear those struggles; and will offer hope for a brighter future.  This verse tells us to "call upon God in our day of trouble".  That simply means that when we are feeling depressed, in pain, or whatever the situation; all we need to do is call out to God.  Sometimes we can't find the words to express our feelings completely; but when we call out to God, He can read what's on our hearts that words can't explain.  He knows our thoughts, our deepest secrets, and our needs.  By calling out to Him and begging for His intervention and help, it allows His Holy Spirit to be poured out on us for healing, for comfort, and for encouragement.  You might call a friend or relative who might not pick up the phone.  But God ALWAYS answers your call.  You can talk to Him any time of the day or night, and He not only hears us; but He can read our hearts and truly cares about us.  In fact, God's Word tells us to cast all our cares upon Him because He cares for us.  The second part of this verse tells us that "He will deliver us", meaning that He will change our situation and give us the strength, knowledge and comfort we so desperately need.  And finally, the verse says "and thou shall glorify me".  This is the most important part of the verse.  EVERY time I pray for ANYTHING (for myself or for others), I always pray that God's name will be glorified in the process.  I do this because it is right!  If I am a blessing to someone, it's NOT about me doing something good.  The glory belongs to God alone.  Let me just say this, my time you are facing troubles, just CALL OUT TO GOD.  He WILL deliver you (help you), and He always always always deserves our praise.  Whether things go right, or things go wrong, just say PRAISE THE LORD.  Glorify His precious and holy name, and He WILL continue to bless and comfort you.   Life is difficult.  We can't get through it alone.  Let God's Word bless your life.  Call out to Him when you are in need, wait for His deliverance, and GLORIFY HIS NAME always.  God is so good.  Don't ever doubt His deep love and concern for you, or His ability to help you.  He is SO awesome!

As always, you are welcome to save this week's free scripture/word art file to your computer, but are not required to use it in order to play along in our challenges.   We welcome you share your art with us; remembering that Anything Goes as long as it's family-friendly, and uses an encouraging or uplifting sentiment. This includes any type of altered or digital art (not just limited to cards).  You may link up to five (5) projects each week. The more you enter, the more you increase your odds of winning.  It is our desire that God's Word will be a blessing and encouragement to you each week. If you have any questions about the rules, be sure to read the complete list of rules under our page tab for "Challenge Rules".  Because our ultimate goal is to honor God, we have no other choice but to delete any entries that do not adhere to our guidelines.  Let us know if you have any questions, and thanks for your understanding and participation!
Here is this week's word art.  We hope
that it will be a blessing to you.

Here are this week's AMAZING sponsors:
The Flying Unicorn is such a WONDERFUL shop
and they carry all the big names in crafting.  You
are sure to find something WONDERFUL at the
Flying Unicorn.  One lucky person will win a
$25 Gift Certificate to their awesome shop!
Fred-She-Said is our SUPER FUN
digital sponsor this week.  Check out all
their wonderful images.  You will just
fall in love with all they have to offer.

AND NOW.......Our Lucky Winners!
V's Sweet Ideas was our sponsor
last week, and guess what!
Lucky Entry # =198 - Kathy Schweinfurth
has won a $10 Gift Certificate to
V's Sweet Ideas - the perfect place to get
stamps, ribbons, sequins and SO much more!
Robyn's Fetish was our amazing
digital sponsor last week.
Lucky Entry #173 - Kristina's Art Corner
has won her choice of
three (3) new Robyn's Fetish digis.

May God bless all our amazing sponsors.
We appreciate them all SO very much!
Here's Some Inspiration to Get You Started

Our October Guest Designer, Tamara Dixon
Tamara Doesn't Have a Blog, But You Can
Find Her on Splitcoast Stampers


Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah a beautiful post Karen as I was reading through it my heart was so encouraged today .. thank you so much for always faithfully pointing out eyes up to the lovely Lord Jesus for in Him is our Help Hope and Salvation.

This verse:
Ps 61: 2 "From the end of the earth will I cry unto Thee when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I."

.... came to my mind as I read of your relative who is overwhelmed will you give this to them from me, please?
.. I pray for them, for the LORD to keep them in the midst of their perplexity. "
When they sit in darkness, may the sweet LORD be a light unto them...

“Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me.” Micah 7:8

love and prayers dear sweet sis,
Shaz in Oz.x

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for choosing my card!!Hugs from Sweden!!

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Amen to this week's scripture! Thanks for sharing your gifts through these gorgeous card designs, DT members. Blessings!

Beebeebabs said...

Very nice work as always DT

Unknown said...

Karen, you little devotion is really heartwarming and full of encouragement. I hope people will read it. Blessings Carole

Gail said...

Thank you for another challenge - Happy Dance to the winners and Great Creations by the DT -thanks for the scripture verse too - have a God-honoring day!

Bunny said...

Thank you for the challenge. Nice DT work.

Patty Sue 2 said...

I love the encouragement found on your blog. I sent all the scriptures to my cousin who just lost her mom and then found out her son has stage four liver and stomach cancer. Thank you for blessings us! My scripture is on the inside of my card I hope that is ok? Thank you for letting me play along!

Teresa M. Arsenault said...

Gorgeous projects by the DT. I love Jo Ann's inked background and fabulous coloring.

Unknown said...

Fantastic post :) Always great to come here. Love all the DT Creations! Love Natalie's.. with those fantastic trees! Love that sky too!! Thanks for another fun challenge!

- Susan
{Scrap A Thousand Words}
{Sentimental Susan}
{Open-Minded Crafting Fun Challenges}
{DT CALL -- Open Until Oct 31st}

suzARTe said...

Thanks so much for the inspiration and encouragement. I always enjoy playing along at Word Art Wednesday.
Anything goes, Just keep on creating
Imagine Create Express
Susan xx

Melissa @ M Miranda Creations said...

Thank you so much for another challenge and all of the inspiration!

Many Blessings,

Charity Morris-Chamberlain said...

Karen, your posts are always amazing but this one really holds dear to me! Such an encouraging and inspirational post! Thank you!

Helen Gullett said...

What an encouraging post, Karen! I love the verse and need to hear this truth today. THANK YOU! I hope I can play along this week after 3 long weeks with not-feeling-well children.

Helen Gullett

Migdalia said...

A wonderful scripture. Awesome job by the DT.
Congrats to all winners.
Have a blessed day,
Crafting With Creative M

Karen P said...

Thank you for sharing your gorgeous inspirations with us and for another fun challenge too Karen

Karen said...

Beautiful devotion and lovely creations from the entire DT. Thank you for always sharing your heart. I am forever thankful that during overwhelming times when words will not come, a simple whisper of "Father" draws an outpouring of healing love. Wishing you all a blessed weekend! :o)

Hugs and blessings,

Diana Lynn Martin said...

Amazing work by the DT, as always! Thank you for another fun & inspirational challenge!

Diana ♥
Leelee Card Designs

Karenladd said...

Thanks for another fun challenge and beautiful cards from the DT. I always look forward to reading your uplifting scripture verse and posts!

Kathy said...

Thank you so much for your devotion this week Karan! Wonderful Scripture to keep in our hearts and remember when we go through difficult times. Thank you for being such a blessing to all of us and glorifying God! Blessings! Kathy