Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Challenge #161 - Anything Goes

Welcome back, everyone!  Thanks for stopping by for another great challenge.  We understand that this is an incredibly busy time of year, and that it gets difficult to create cards and link up to challenges.  Please know that we get it!  We encourage you to focus on your families at this time of year, and we're so grateful when you do find the time to create and share your art.  We know that things will pick up again after the first of the year.  In the meantime, THANKS for sharing when you do.  We hope you're all enjoying your families as we prepare for the Christmas season.

Our word art/scripture file for this week is Matthew 1:21, and it tells the story of how the angel appeared to Joseph in a dream to assure him that the child Mary was carrying was of the Holy Spirit.  The angel told Joseph "thou shalt call his name JESUS", and the reason for this is because this child was not just any baby.  The child Mary was carrying was God in human flesh.  His name was to be called "Jesus", which translated means SAVIOR.  What a perfectly appropriate name since He is the Savior of the world.  He ALONE is able to save us from our sins.  We are all born with a sinful nature, and we all need a Savior (a way to receive eternal life), and JESUS is the ONLY possible way for that to happen.  Even Mary herself proclaimed, "my soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God MY SAVIOR".  She wouldn't say these words if she was holy, or if she had the ability to get to Heaven on her own.  She clearly stated "my Savior" because she KNEW that her son was GOD IN HUMAN FLESH, and that her own sinfulness would separate her from God.  She needed a Savior in order to get to Heaven, and she knew that the Savior she so desperately needed was found in Jesus!  I find it incredibly sad to think of the millions of CONFUSED people who either believe that the Messiah is still coming some day, or that they can perform enough good works to earn their own way into Heaven, or rely on a group of men who reveal "truths" to them as "the light gets brighter", or that a SINFUL human found some revelation in the desert on tablets that reveal a way to get them into Heaven.  NONE of these are ways to Heaven. I heard Oprah once say, "we may all believe differently, but all these different roads ultimately lead to God and to Heaven."  Well, I'm so sorry Oprah, but you ARE WRONG.  There is only ONE TRUE GOD, and His name is JESUS (Savior).  I can sit and call an apple an orange all day long.  I can even find TONS of other people to agree with me that it's an orange.  Great, right?  NOPE!  The absolute truth is that IT'S STILL AN APPLE!!!  There is only ONE WAY to get to Heaven, and that is through the blood of Jesus Christ.  It's NOT difficult, my friends.  The baby Mary and Joseph brought into this world, through God's divine intervention, IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN.  This isn't an opinion, it's absolute truth.  We can accept it now and live a life of joy and fulfillment, or we WILL learn and accept it when our lives end and we stand before God.  What a blessing that we have the opportunity to come to Him NOW, and reap all the joy He has for us.  This is why it's SO important to lovingly share the Gospel with others.  Society would have us believe that it's not acceptable to talk about our beliefs; but when it's absolute truth and so many good people are on their way to a literal Hell, it's important to boldly share the truth.
As always, you are welcome to save this week's free scripture/word art file to your computer, but are not required to use it in order to play along in our challenges.   We welcome you share your art with us; remembering that Anything Goes as long as it's family-friendly, and uses an encouraging or uplifting sentiment. This includes any type of altered or digital art (not just limited to cards).  You may link up to five (5) projects each week. The more you enter, the more you increase your odds of winning.  It is our desire that God's Word will be a blessing and encouragement to you each week. If you have any questions about the rules, be sure to read the complete list of rules under our page tab for "Challenge Rules".  Because our ultimate goal is to honor God, we have no other choice but to delete any entries that do not adhere to these guidelines.  Let us know if you have any questions, and thanks for your understanding and participation!

Here's this week's beautiful scripture/word art file.
We hope that it will be a blessing to you!

Here are this week's AWESOME sponsors:
Docerela Stamps is offering one luck person
a stamp set from their AMAZING shop.
Click here to browse and shop all the great
stamps available at Docerela Stamps
The Cutting Cafe
The Cutting Café is an ADORABLE shop
with LOTS of great SVG files, digital stamps,
and SO much more.  One person will win
three (3) sets of choice from the
ADORABLE Cutting Café!
AND NOW.....Here Are Our Lucky Winners!
My Craft Spot is sure to have something
you can't resist.  Stop by and treat yourself.
Entry #16 - Birgit has won
a $10 Gift Certificate from My Craft Spot
Entry #92  - Vani-Nikol
her choice of three (3) images from
from the adorable Robyn's Fetish.
 WINNERS:  Please email Karen THIS WEEK
to claim your prize!  Thanks.
May God bless all our amazing sponsors.
We appreciate them all SO very much!
Here's Some Inspiration to Get You Started


  1. Awesome inspiration by the the talented design team. Thank you so much for the wonderful free sentiment xxx
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  2. Thank you for letting me share and for the inspiration. I love the scriptures and testimonies Word Art Wednesday shares!

  3. What a wonderful bunch of projects fellow WAW DT's. I enjoyed every single one of the cards. Karen, preach along, my sister! We are to speak of the Truth and I love what you shared today. It truly breaks my heart that because of stubbornness and pride, people are going to miss the grace and salvation that is found in Christ. But we know that many will do and we can see that evident in the darkness hovering in the world as propagated in the media, entertainment, government and many other pillars of a society. There's an all out war against Jesus Christ and we must press on to take the lost that are meant to be found. Jesus Christ is the Only Savior and the Only One in History that died for the sins of all men. His Name be praised forever!

    Hugs in Christ,
    JO ANN

  4. Thanks so much for sharing all your WONDERFUL projects everyone.
    Crafty hugs,

  5. Fantastic creations!! Love Loris black and white.. that image is just beautiful! I love it!! Thanks for another fun challenge!

    - Susan
    {Scrap A Thousand Words}
    Open-Minded Crafting Fun Challenges

  6. I cannot tell you how much of a blessing it is to visit here each week. The heavenly words and projects that await always inspire my heart. It is indeed vital to proclaim His Name and Gospel.. and to always be prepared to help someone to Heaven. Thank you for another wonderful challenge! :o)

    Hugs and blessings,

  7. Great work by the Design Team!

  8. Wonderful inspiration! Awesome job DT ladies!
    Have a wonderful day,
    *Crafting With Creative M*

  9. Thank you all for the challenge and the inspiration. Not just the creations, but the words of the creator.

  10. Thank you all for the challenge and the inspiration. Not just the creations, but the words of the creator.

  11. Thank you for your weekly free scriptures. They are a blessing. And love your fun Challenges. Thank you, hugs, AntoinetteT

  12. Karen, Each card represented by the DT upholds the wonderful Word of or merciful Heavenly Father. Your posts are inspirational. Advent Blessings to all your talented team. xoxox

  13. This is such a lovely blog challenge, and I am so happy I found it. The inspiration from the DT is always amazing, and I love the spirit here. Thank you!

  14. Thanks so much for the lovely inspiration from the Design Team. This is such a pretty scripture verse expressing what Christmas is all about!
