Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Challenge #159 - Anything Goes

Here we are once again, it's Wednesday; and time for another FUN challenge.  Our scripture for this week's word art is Psalm 100:4, and it reminds us again to be thankful.  As we "enter into his courts" or approach Him, we need to have thanks on our lips.  The word "praying" means to ASK for something.  So when we pray, we should begin with praise and thanks for the Lord for all He has done for us.  Then, we can ask him for the things we need.  It also tells us that we need to be thankful and praise His name.  Many are quick to ask God for everything, but often forget to praise Him and thank Him REGARDLESS of the answers He gives us.  Prayers won't always be answered in the way we want them to, or think they should be; but will always be answered - according to His perfect will.  When we ask, we have to trust that He will give us the results we need.  Then, we have a VERY IMPORTANT task.  That is to PRAISE HIM and THANK HIM.  If any other friend did this much for you, and you never thanked them, they would get their feelings hurt, right?  God is the same way.  He wants to hear your praise.  That's why He asks us to give thanks.  It's not because he "needs" to hear that He is wonderful.  It's because He DESERVES to hear that He is wonderful, and that we are grateful.  He is awesome, and we have a command from Him to BE THANKFUL and to GIVE PRAISE.  It brings Him joy, and as this verse tells us, "it blesses His name".  Let praise and thanks be the first thing on your lips in the morning, and the last thing on your lips at night.  He is worthy of all praise, and He longs to hear you tell Him THANK YOU for all He has done.

I'd like you all to warmly welcome the very sweet and talented Maxine Diffey who is filling in for the remainder of November for DT Member, Laura Lunsford who is on sick leave.  Please keep Laura in your prayers as she journeys back to health.  Thanks for stepping up to plate at the last minute, Maxine.  We're so blessed to have you with us!

As always, you are welcome to save this week's free scripture/word art file to your computer, but are not required to use it in order to play along in our challenges.   We welcome you share your art with us; remembering that Anything Goes as long as it's family-friendly, and uses an encouraging or uplifting sentiment. This includes any type of altered or digital art (not just limited to cards).  You may link up to five (5) projects each week. The more you enter, the more you increase your odds of winning.  It is our desire that God's Word will be a blessing and encouragement to you each week. If you have any questions about the rules, be sure to read the complete list of rules under our page tab for "Challenge Rules".  Because our ultimate goal is to honor God, we have no other choice but to delete any entries that do not adhere to these guidelines (dark images, etc.).  Let us know if you have any questions, and thanks for your understanding and participation!

Here's this week's beautiful scripture/word art file.
We hope that it will be a blessing to you!

Here are this week's AWESOME sponsors:
V's Sweet Ideas is a DARLING store with
the sweetest stamps and crafting accessories
you can imagine!  If you've never visited their shop,
you will want to check it out.  They also have a
monthly Anything Goes Challenge you can enter
for another chance to win a gift certificate.
One lucky person will receive a
$10 Gift Certificate to V's Sweet Ideas!
Nice Crane Designs is an AMAZING store filled
with GORGEOUS digital images and collage sheets.
Our friends at Nice Crane Designs would love
to have you stop by to do some browsing.
One lucky person will receive a
$20 Gift Certificate to this AWESOME
shop.  Click here to visit Nice Crane Designs
AND NOW.....Our SUPER Lucky Winners:
The Flying Unicorn Store is FILLED
with crafting goodness from ALL our
favorite big-name brands.
Lucky Entry #206 - Janis In Idaho
has won a $25 Gift Certificate to
Yours or Mine Paper Crafts is a WONDERFUL shop
carrying stamps, die-cuts, paper and more.
Lucky Entry #55 - Diana Lynn Martin
has won the $10 Gift Certificate
to Yours or Mine Paper Crafts!
 WINNERS:  Please email Karen THIS WEEK
to claim your prize!  Thanks.
May God bless all our amazing sponsors.
We appreciate them all SO very much!
Here's Some Inspiration From Our Design Team



  1. Gorgeous work from DT,
    congrats to winners
    and blessed week to all us
    hugs Tamara

  2. BEAUTIFUL cards everyone. Thanks so much for sharing your talents and your time. God bless you all.
    Crafty hugs,

  3. Thank you for another challenge - get well soon Laura - have a blessed day everyone and Happy Dance to all the winners!

  4. Thanks so much for this lovely challenge site and for drawing my name as one of your lucky winners. I have emailed you.
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  5. Thank you so much for this wonderful Scripture verse! I'm going to be printing out some verses about giving thanks so I can get some Thanksgiving cards made. Oops, guess I'd better hurry!

  6. Superb verse .. love it our LORD is so very very good to us all isnt He? .. great work by the DT too well done :D Shaz in Oz.x

  7. Gorgeous DT Creations!!! I LOVE Lori's card with the dark blue and white! Awesome dies.. Just stunning!! Thanks for another fun challenge!

    - Susan
    {Scrap A Thousand Words}
    Open-Minded Crafting Fun Challenges (DT Call Until Nov. 22nd)

  8. Gorgeous creations! I love to see the variety!

  9. Beautiful work by the DT and those that have entered. I am inspired!! Thank you!

  10. Thank you for another challenge and verse. Lovely cards by the design team

  11. I love the spirit of this wonderful challenge! The DT projects are always inspiring!

  12. Beautiful Creations as Always!! Another fun challenge.
    Have a wonderful day,
    *Crafting With Creative M*

  13. I've entered a layout that I created but I plan to use that wonderful word art on a mixed media piece which hopefully I will get to tonite! (or possibly on a layout with some Thanksgiving photos if I don't get to it. I really liked it and was sure to download it for a creation...time just snuck away from me this week.) Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
