Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Challenge #87 - Anything Goes

Where are the weeks going?  It seems that this summer is just flying right by.  We hope that you're enjoying your summer and finding time to spend with family and friends, possibly doing some barbequing and swimming, doing all the things you enjoy, and of course....finding PLENTY of time for crafting.  Let's just all PRAISE THE LORD together!!  We finally hit our 200 entries mark in this past week's challenge.  So, as promised, there will be a very cool THIRD PRIZE this week (a Crafty Secrets acrylic stamp set) sent to one lucky random winner.  I will do this again next week if we can maintain our goal.  Thank you SO MUCH, everyone, for sharing your art with us.  We are so grateful to God for each of you.

It's important that those stopping by our blog take into consideration that we are, first and foremost, a New Testament Bible-believing and God-honoring challenge blog.  We enjoy all forms of art, but we will not allow any "dark" or questionably "gothic" projects.  We don't judge those who create differently, but we do have a responsibility to follow what we know to be right in the sight of God.  For this reason, we will remove any projects that are not G-rated, family-friendly, uplifting and encouraging, or otherwise wholesome (and this is at the ultimate discretion of the Blog Administrator).  We don't wish to offend anyone, we wish only to lift up and honor the holy name of the One we represent; and that is the Lord, Jesus Christ.  It is our desire to draw others to Him by encouraging the use of scriptures and endearing sentiments.  We hope that you will understand and respect this.  We really do care about everyone!

This week, our scripture is Psalm 33:12 "Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance."  What this verse means is, quite simply, whether people today want to admit it or not, our country WAS founded on the principles of Christianity.  The word "LORD" in this verse, or any time we see the word LORD in all capital letters in the Bible, it refers to Jehovah God.  In the Old Testament, this was Jehovah (the Messiah).  In the New Testament, this is Jesus Christ.  "Blessed is the nation" (this could be ANY nation), but in this case, we're speaking of the United States of America where, this week we celebrate our Independence Day on July 4.  "Whose God is the LORD" (Jehovah God the Messiah/Jesus Christ) - According to the Bible, the only way for the United States, or for ANY country to be blessed, is for that country's God to be the LORD (Jesus Christ).  Now, there are people out there who like to say that we may call "god" by many different names, but that we all serve the same god.  This is simply not true, and DON'T be misled.  Unless your god goes by the name of Jesus Christ, it is NOT the same god as the God of the Bible.  Blessed in the nation whose God is the LORD.  This blessing can come only through a nation placing their faith in the ONE TRUE GOD of the Bible who IS Jesus Christ (as our founding fathers did).  Our nation suffers today because, as a nation, we have turned away from the one true God and the principles of the Bible (His instructions to us); and ONLY through turning back to Him will we continue to be blessed as a nation.  This is true in our personal lives as well.  We strongly encourage you to pray that your country, wherever you may live, will turn to the one true God, and experience the blessings that come ONLY through placing complete faith in Him.

You are welcome to save this week's free scripture/word art file to your computer, but are not required to use it in order to play along in our challenges.   We welcome you share your art with us; remembering that Anything Goes as long as it's family-friendly, and uses an encouraging or uplifting sentiment. You don't necessarily have to use scripture; you just need to keep it wholesome.  You can also link more than one project each week (up to 5). The more you enter, the more you increase your odds of winning. We just  want God's Word to be a blessing and encouragement to you each week. If you have any questions about the rules, be sure to read the complete list of rules under our page tab for "Challenge Rules".  They have once again been updated this week (please take note).

Here is this week's free scripture/word art. We hope you enjoy it!
This week's AWESOME sponsors are:
One lucky winner gets to select some
of Lisa's darling shabby vintage images
Another winner will receive 5 images of their choice
from Eureka Stamps darling digital images

Our THREE winners from last week are:
Entry # 182 - Shirley H.
She has won a GORGEOUS
Die-Cut from Cheery Lynn Designs

Second, the winner of the Acrylic Stamp Set
and Acrylic Block from Scripture By Design
is Entry #65 - Martha H.
And finally, the third winner from last week's
challenge randomly selected to celebrate
our first ever 200 entries challenge
is......Entry #30 - Stephanie S.
You've won the Crafty Secrets acrylic stamps!
Please email me, ladies, with your mailing address.  
Special thanks to ALL our wonderful sponsors!
Our Top 3 From Last Week's Challenge Are:
#7 - Katie Tate, #34 -Edith and #117 - Susan M.
Please email me if you'd like a blog badge!
And's a bit of inspiration from our Design Team
Jackie Wallace, Our July Guest Designer
Lori Ulrich

Carole Robb Bisson
Using a Sponsor Image -
Swirling Stars by Eureka Stamps
Using Sponsor Image - Eureka Digi #14709

Thanks for sharing, friends!  Be sure to keep it uplifting/encouraging or to use scripture.

(Linkup closed)


Jo Ann said...

Hi Karen...So blessed with what you posted to explain about our Blog giving due glory to the Name above every names---Jesus Christ! I also love how you exhort our scripture-Word Art. Way to preach the Gospel...I am proud to have known a person whose heart God lives...Hugs, always!

In Christ,

Ginny Maxam said...

Hello Karen and Word Art Weds creators,
What an outstanding message today about what this blog is all about! A great "Word" on the Almighty God, Jesus Christ. I appreciate the defining of the purpose of this blog and setting boundaries for art that is pleasing and honoring to God. I say Amen and Tell It!!
have am awesome, anointed day!!
Ginny Maxam

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Wonderful cards and so true too, Karen, about the LORD God being the God of the Bible and one to who we look as our Guide and Saviour from sin in His Son Jesus.

I will be back to link as have made two cards, but not posted yet photos to take etc.
love Shaz in Oz.x

Unknown said...

I say "Amen" to JoAnn's comment.

Esther Asbury said...

Super Cute creations from the dt!!

SarahGeorge said...

Dear Karen,
So....blessed to have known you through this God honoring blog! Thank you for the encouraging words you left in my blog the other day. I really appreciate it very much:). Thanks to all the other DT members too!.

Beebeebabs said...

Very nice work as always DT tfs!!!

Gemiel said...

After being away for a couple of weeks I am so excited to see so many scrapbook pages posted to the challenge this week. Keep them comming!! I am so blessed to be a part of this awesome ministry. How wonderful is it that God allows us to use our art and creativity to share His Word. Be blessed!!


Karen M said...

Hi, I really do appreciate what you had to say about our nation (wherever we are) serving the risen Saviour, Jesus Christ our LORD. This is especially true, given the dreadful, sinful day we had here in Northern Ireland yesterday when the Sodomites took to the streets of Belfast to flaunt their sin before decent people. It is our prayer that Northern Ireland will return to the LORD who died for all and not turn it's back on the wonderful Gospel of salvation in Christ.
Thank you so much for your encouraging words and may the LORD bless your labours for Him x

Bunny said...

Good morning. Very nice cards. Thank you for the challenge.