Tuesday, September 11, 2012

New Design Team Member, JoAnn Atterbury

We would like to introduce you to our newest Design Team Member here at Word Art Wednesday.  Jo Ann Atterbury is not only an extremely talented artist, but she is a solid Proverbs 31 virtuous woman (or least striving, like so many of us, to be all that God has called her to be).  We hope you will take a moment to visit her blog at Jo Ann Atterbury Creations to welcome her.  She will be joining us, at least for the time being, as a Part-Time Designer.  She is going to do her best to share art as often as possible, but it may not be every week.  Here is what Jo Ann has shared with us about her life:

A blessed day, everyone!  My name is Jo Ann, and I am a happy stay-at-home Mom and a Homeschool teacher to my son who is 7 years old, and I'm a devoted wife to my husband, Joseph.  I was born and raised in the Philippines.  But after marriage, I came to live in San Antonio, Texas.   I love almost all kinds of crafting....creating gives me a sense of fulfillment knowing that I give my best in everything I do.  After my son was born, I got into scrapbooking to document my son’s growth.  Shortly after that, I saw a magazine on card-making, and I was hooked.  I collected every tool available in the market, taught myself on different techniques and started giving only handmade cards to friends since 2007.  My biggest fan is my son who stays beside me each time I have a project.  I love it when he says,  “Mommy, you made the most beautiful card, ever!”  I love my family and thank God for them everyday…

My Testimony:
Jesus is the reason why I live and breathe each day. I accepted His gift of love and salvation back in 1990 through a late Christian TV program (The 700 Club). My meaningless life took a dramatic change at that instant, and He guided me to a church family that developed my passion in serving Him.  He opened the doors for me to work in many places while hosting in the cruise ships where I met my wonderful husband who happened to work there as well.  God has been our source of hope and strength through the difficult times of a long distance relationship, while we both wait for all the legal documents to be approved…. With lots of prayers, patience and trust in the Almighty, we're now near our 11th Wedding Anniversary and still going strong.  My family serves the Lord in every way by using the talents and gifts He has given us in the church He blessed us with today.  My passion is to give Jesus honor in whatever I do and say, and to share what He has done for mankind to anyone who wishes to listen.  He has shown me what love truly means, and I know He’s going to do the same to anyone who would open his/her heart to Him.
I invite you to visit my blog:  jatterburycreations.blogspot.com
I hope you can find some inspiration there for your projects.  It is an honor to be invited to become a Design Team Member and join the wonderful group of people here at Word Art Wednesday.  I am looking forward to sharing and learning with you guys.   


  1. Welcome, Jo Ann! We are SO blessed to have you join us, and I know that our participants are going to be blessed by your art and by your deep love for our precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I praise God for you!
    Karen L

  2. I'll be sure and visit Jo Ann as she's a fellow filipina! How wonderful that she is so on fire for the LOrd! Patsy from
    HeARTworks and

  3. Thanks a lot, Karen, for allowing me to be a part of your wonderful group and looking forward to a great and blessed time with you, guys! Let's all give honor and glory to the Name of Jesus. HE is worthy!
