Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Challenge #20, and a Winner!!

Hi everyone and welcome to Word Art Wednesday. We hope you are having a great week. We appreciate each of you for sharing your beautiful art with us, and we are truly grateful to you for being part of this blog.  It is our desire that you will be blessed by the challenges, the art we share, and the love of God that we are trying to share.  A special word of thanks to our generous sponsors, and to my Design Team for your help and support as we share His love through our art.
Today's winner for the special gift from Shabby Cottage Studio is:
Marlena from: Marlena is Faithfully Crafting
I am going to send Gail an email with your name and email. She will get in touch with you soon. Congratulations!!
Thank you Gail for all you do!!
Our sponsor for this week is:
Eclectic Anthology
Do take a minute to stop by her shop when you have a minute. She has beautiful digital graphics from photographs to collage sheets. They are all so crisp, and have an incredible vintage look and feel.
Thank you, Catherine!
Time for our special Word Art this week, and to take a look at the beautiful, inspirational art my Design Team and our Guest Designer have worked on so hard for this week's challenge. The Word Art is free for you to use in your art.  To view the Word art, just right click on the image to save it to your computer. We'd love for you to use it to play along with us, but if you are working on another project that has scripture or an encouraging quote, you can share that too.   We look forward to seeing your art, and do take a minute to stop by and visit with the team and leave them a little luv.



Karen L


(Linkup closed)


trisha too said...

Lovely inspiration, so much variety!


Debbie B said...

Lovely designs everyone.
Very inspiring

Wendy M said...

Fab word art again this week... thank you. Love the fact that there are fellow scrapbookers DT projects too.

Mynn xx said...

Thank you for the fabulous word art and the challenge! :) So glad to be able to participate this week!!!

Unknown said...

Great site...been looking for one like this for ages...look forward to using some wonderful Scriptures on future projects. xxx

Marlena M. said...

Thank you for the beautiful scripture!

kiwimeskreations said...

Hi Cassandra - although I have not participated in your challenge yet, I love your blog.
There is and award for you over on my blog.

Lisa Lara said...

What a wonderful site to uplift one another. Thank you Karen for bringing this site to my attention.